Incentivamos, inspiramos e desafiamos todos os funcionários a liberar seu potencial de maneiras significativas que ajudem a promover nosso propósito e estratégia. Em toda a nossa organização, apoiamos o crescimento profissional e contribuímos para uma cultura que abraça a diversidade, espera inclusão e valoriza o engajamento. Na P-SHINE, quando nossas equipes estão trabalhando juntas, estamos fortalecendo nossa empresa.

   Na P-Shine, atuamos com altos padrões de ética e sustentabilidade. Assumimos nossa responsabilidade com os clientes e comunidades que atendemos, bem como com o futuro do nosso planeta. Por esse motivo, a equipe de gerenciamento do Grupo P-Shine introduz e mantém um sistema de gestão ambiental em conformidade com a DIN EN ISO 14001.

   Estamos comprometidos em reduzir continuamente nosso impacto no meio ambiente, enquanto continuamos a expandir nossos negócios. Nosso objetivo é praticar uma política ambiental ativa que inclua a reciclagem e a conservação de recursos não renováveis. 

   Esta política baseia-se nos seguintes princípios orientadores:

  ● Consideramos a proteção ambiental ativa como um componente central da governança corporativa na P-Shine e, portanto, nos esforçamos para garantir que nossos objetivos e regras de conduta sejam conhecidos e observados em toda a empresa. Seguimos e procuramos exceder as leis, regras e regulamentos e padrões que se aplicam a nós.
  ● Oferecemos treinamento aos nossos funcionários em um esforço para aumentar a conscientização e o conhecimento sobre o meio ambiente e incentivá-los a desempenhar um papel ativo na proteção do meio ambiente por meio de nosso programa de sugestões de funcionários e processo CIP.
  ● Practices are being put in place to monitor both technical and organizational processes in terms of their compliance with the company's environmental policy that will help us constantly improve.
  ● Pedimos aos nossos parceiros contratuais que adotem os mesmos padrões ambientais que nós.
  ● We maintain an open dialog with our customers, government agencies, organizations, and members of the general public regarding the impact of our company's activities on the environment and our achievements in the area of environment protection.

P-SHINE TECNOLOGIA ELETRÔNICA LTDA.  Conflict Minerals Policy Statement
    3TG (estanho, tântalo, tungstênio e ouro) are often mined in the context of armed conflict in the democratic republic of the Congo and surrounding countries and are therefore considered "Conflict Minerals ".
    Conflict ore refers to minerals mined in situations of armed conflict and human rights violations, especially in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which are controlled by the Government of the Congolese Army and many other armed insurgent groups, such as the FDLR, Resources mined at mining sites controlled by the People's National Assembly (CNDP). It is not only Congolese people who plundered Congo's natural resources. During the war, especially Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, they also profited from Congo's resources. Today, government units in these countries continue to smuggle Congolese resources. The profits from these resources are used to support the Second Congolese War, and controlling the sites with rich mineral deposits has become one of the focuses of the war [1]. Common mineral deposits include cassiterite, black tungsten, coltan, and gold. These minerals are produced in eastern Congo and, after multiple suppliers, enter various electronics companies. These minerals are an integral part of the equipment used in daily life, such as mobile phones, laptops and MP3 players.
    "Conflict metals" refers to metals from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries. These countries include: DRC, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya. These metals include Au, Ta, W, Co, Sn. Such "conflict metals" are illegally mined or smuggled by military groups in the region, causing serious human rights, environmental and other issues. Some metal minerals have become the main source of revenue for armed insurgent groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Used to trade arms, continue its bloody conflict with the government, and meet local civilians, which has caused international controversy. These types of metal minerals include niobite, cassiterite, wolframite and gold, which are refined into tantalum ( Ta), tin (Sn), tungsten (W), cobalt (Co), and gold (Au) are called conflict metals.

   P-SHINE TECNOLOGIA ELETRÔNICA LTDA supports the objectives of the Conflict Minerals Rule.  Furthermore, we do not knowingly procure any 3TG that originates from the Covered Countries unless they are processed by smelters and refiners that are verified or in the process of becoming verified as “conflict free.”

   Our due diligence processes and efforts conform to the relevant portions of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (“OECD”) internationally recognized due diligence framework for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs). Consistent with the foregoing and the Conflict Minerals Rule, we ask our suppliers to undertake reasonable due diligence with their supply chains to determine the location from which 3TG is being sourced and whether the smelter or refiner has been verified by an independent third party as “conflict free.”

   These requests are supported by P-SHINE TECNOLOGIA ELETRÔNICA LTDA’ Supplier Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions of Purchase, which require our suppliers upon request to conduct their own due diligence and provide written documentation as to whether products containing 3TG used in the manufacture of our products originate from outside the Covered Countries, or, if they originate from within the Covered Countries, that the mines or smelters be verified as “conflict free” by an independent third party.

   If we discover that products procured by us contain 3TG from the Covered Countries that is processed by facilities that are not third party-verified or in the process of becoming verified, we will take steps to transition the product to other smelters and refiners that conform to this policy.  We do not seek to embargo responsibly sourced 3TG from the Covered Countries (as doing so could be detrimental to the legitimate economies and populations of those countries). Suppliers are therefore encouraged to continue support of verified smelters in the Covered Countries and to take similar measures with their supply chains.

   The information provided by P-SHINE TECNOLOGIA ELETRÔNICA LTDA’ suppliers is used to conduct our due diligence.  In addition to assessing supplier reports for completeness and consistency, we compare the smelter and refiner lists provided by our suppliers with the Responsible Mineral Initiative’s list of compliant smelters and refiners to determine which facilities are third party-verified or in the process of becoming verified.